About Us

Riverton, Utah, United States
Greg and I were married in 2004 and have three beautiful girls. Kiana, Kennedy, and Kaylee. Kiana and Kennedy were born on the 5th of may, Kiana in 2003 and Kennedy in 2005. Kaylee was born on the 5th of June 2007. Something about the 5th that all my kids liked! Needless to say, 5 is our lucky number!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Very Willful!!!

So, Greg and I have decided that we have spoiled Kaylee a bit too much when it comes to her bottle and sleep time. Since she is our youngest and probably our last child, we have allowed her to have her bottle to fall asleep with at nights, and have given her one every time she wakes during the night, which is a lot! Last Friday we agreed that we would not put her down with a bottle or give her one when she wakes at night anymore, instead we would let her scream it out until she fell back to sleep. That first night was so hard. We gave her a bottle and than laid her down after she finished it. To our surprise she fell right asleep. We thought to ourselves, this is awesome, we rock! Unfortunately, she woke up about an hour later and screamed for two hours (not exaggerating here)!!!!!!!!! Greg and I took turns going in and checking on her. After she finally gave up and went to sleep, my husband said to me, "well you gotta hand it to her, she is very willful." I just thought to myself, I am glad you're able to put it so positively, because nothing like that came to my mind, all of my thoughts were well, not that nice. Each night she does a little better. It really sucks right now, but I know it will be better for her and us in the long run. As for Kiana and Kennedy, they are very good about telling anybody that comes to our house that Kaylee can't have a bottle when she sleeps anymore because, "we just let her scream now." Thank goodness most everyone that comes to our house knows what my kids are talking about, otherwise DCFS would be on my front porch! Those two come up with some of the funniest things I have ever heard. The other day Kennedy was singing a "princess concert" for me. I started singing with her and boy she did not like that. She stopped and looked at me and with all the frustration the little two year old could muster up she said, "You make me so angwry mom. You can't go to gamma's house anymore, do you undewstand me?" I tried so hard to keep a straight face, but I just couldn't. I busted out laughing. Kennedy just looked at me and marched off. I went and found her and apologized for singing with her during her concert. Needless to say, she was fine and finished her "concert" for me.

1 comment:

Jennifer Phillips said...

honestly Kennedy and Kiana say the funniest things they crack me up....oh by the way I am purse tagging you, go to my blog and it will tell you what to do