About Us

Riverton, Utah, United States
Greg and I were married in 2004 and have three beautiful girls. Kiana, Kennedy, and Kaylee. Kiana and Kennedy were born on the 5th of may, Kiana in 2003 and Kennedy in 2005. Kaylee was born on the 5th of June 2007. Something about the 5th that all my kids liked! Needless to say, 5 is our lucky number!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We love summer nights!

Today we went and watched Carson, the little boy I babysit, play in his Soccer game. It was so funny. He just turned three and has no desire to play. He ran on the field a couple of times, but that was about it. It was so crazy. The little kids had no idea what they were doing. When they didn't want to play, they just walked off the field and sat with their moms or take off to play on the playground instead of in the game. Kiana got out and played with his team, since only two kids were on the field, and she loved it! We were so surprised how well she did. We have never played soccer with her. Greg gave her a quick run down on how the game is played and she was off. After we got home, we all played soccer in the backyard. It was lots of fun! Thanks Callie for inviting us and for letting Kiana play in Carson's place, she loved it!

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