About Us

Riverton, Utah, United States
Greg and I were married in 2004 and have three beautiful girls. Kiana, Kennedy, and Kaylee. Kiana and Kennedy were born on the 5th of may, Kiana in 2003 and Kennedy in 2005. Kaylee was born on the 5th of June 2007. Something about the 5th that all my kids liked! Needless to say, 5 is our lucky number!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ear Tubes

Kaylee had tubes put in her ears yesterday and everything went great! We were really nervous about her receiving anesthsia, because I do not do well with it, but she had no problems! The surgery itself only took 20 minutes, but we were up at Primary's for half the day due to the pre-op and the recovery. Kiana and Kennedy got to spend the day with their cousin Cohen and aunt Jen and Uncle Seth. They had a blast and did not want to leave. I am so greatful that everything went as well as it did and am glad that it is over. It was pretty nerve racking leading up to it.

1 comment:

Jennifer Phillips said...

glad that you decided to do a blog