About Us

Riverton, Utah, United States
Greg and I were married in 2004 and have three beautiful girls. Kiana, Kennedy, and Kaylee. Kiana and Kennedy were born on the 5th of may, Kiana in 2003 and Kennedy in 2005. Kaylee was born on the 5th of June 2007. Something about the 5th that all my kids liked! Needless to say, 5 is our lucky number!

Monday, March 10, 2008

First trip to the Dentist!

So today was Kiana and Kennedy's first dentist visit, and they did surprisingly well. Kiana was very cooperative and let them do everything without any fuss. I think she was excited because she got to watch a movie on the ceiling while they cleaned her teeth, and she knew that the dentist was going to give her a surprise if she was good, and boy was she! Bribary is an amazing thing. Kennedy however, would not let them take x-rays with their "funny" camera and cried for just a minute, until she realized they were not going to hurt her and she was going to get pink floss, she loves pink! Unfortunately, they both have cavities, which means their next visit is not going to be as much fun. They said that they think Kiana will do fine with just a little bit of laughing gas, however Kennedy, is going to have to be sedated because she is only two, and won't sit still for that long without crying. I absolutely loved the Dentist and his staff! In anyone is in need of a good pediatric dentist, I highly recommend him. His name is Nathan Stevenson. On a side note, tomorrow is Kaylee's big day. She is having surgery up at Primary's to have tubes put in her ears. The poor little thing is only 9 months old, but has had an ear infection every month since September of last year. I am very nervous about tomorrow, and hope everything goes great. Surgery was our last resort. The doctors that we have seen, which has been a couple of them, all strongly suggest we put the tubes in now before she has any permanent hearing loss and her speech is delayed. Even though I am nervous about the surgery, it will be so nice for her not to have to be on antibiotics anymore and for her to hopefully stop with all the ear infections.

1 comment:

juli said...

I thought I was looking at a little C.C. Glad the girls did so well at their visit. And glad that the baby did well with the anistetic I have memories of you and your experience. We are all well here. Haley will be starting soccer soon and this may be her last year cuz next year she will have to try out for the high school team, and there are alot of girls that have been playing all year longer than she had but we will see. Cira well not much of anything so I have to find something for her. that is it for now love ya and miss ya.